Fur and Feathers
A tiger is my favorite animal because he's strong, smart, and beautiful. How he has that thick beautiful orange fur covered with black, and white stripes on his body is just amazing. His gentle eyes can be deceiving because he's a ferocious hunter and the largest and most powerful of the big cats. He and the lion are, so to speak, kings of the jungle. One reason the tiger is so powerful is because he has such strong teeth and is so silent when attacking. He will stalk his prey silently, and then can make one swift move to bite his prey's neck and it will be all over. To me, a tiger is "the king", and I would like to be the king of my jungle.
My seventh grade English teacher, Mrs. Chapman, reminds me of the owl -- OWL- Optimistic Wise Lady. She is a free bird with her wild ideas and creative imagination, and it makes English a whole lot more fun and out of the blue. She sure can be a "hoot" in class sometimes. She is always hovering silently over the class and watching us with what seems to be x-ray vision. Her hearing is so sharp it won't let us get away with much, but we still manage to get in plenty of trouble. Mrs. Chapman can be found "flying" all around the school but usually with a positive, cool "tude".
My seventh grade English teacher, Mrs. Chapman, reminds me of the owl -- OWL- Optimistic Wise Lady. She is a free bird with her wild ideas and creative imagination, and it makes English a whole lot more fun and out of the blue. She sure can be a "hoot" in class sometimes. She is always hovering silently over the class and watching us with what seems to be x-ray vision. Her hearing is so sharp it won't let us get away with much, but we still manage to get in plenty of trouble. Mrs. Chapman can be found "flying" all around the school but usually with a positive, cool "tude".
Okay, I'm looking on the bright side of this (since owls really are dumb birds).
Quite nice! :)
Jennifer, At
January 29, 2008 at 11:49 AM
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